Smiling waiter taking order from customer at counter
Fast Orders, Happy Customers
June 1, 2019
by Jonathan Payne

Everyone involved in the coffee industry – including those who own a coffee van, work in a coffee shop or even drink coffee – understand the importance of efficiency! This article discusses a number of ways how people working in the industry can get through all of their orders quickly and efficiently without compromising on flavour or quality.



When it comes to fast orders, organisation is key. Without a well-organised workspace, your baristas will waste time looking for things when they could be serving customers.


Easy Access

Everything should be easily accessible for your baristas. This includes bins, cups and the cash register.


Its Own Place

Everything should have its own place. This includes pens, sticky-notes, cups and even milk. There should never be any confusion as to where things are in your workplace.


Ergonomic Workstation

In a coffee van especially where there is not a lot of space, it is vital that the barista’s work station is ergonomic. This means that everything needs to be well-organised and within reach so that the barista will hardly have to move during the coffee making process.


Before the Order 

It is crucial that you control the crowd. For people who have yet to order, they should be lining up. This reduces the need for the baristas to search for the next customer and increases efficiency. People that have already ordered should be encouraged to stand in a different area to limit confusion as to who has already ordered.

Too many options on the menu can also create a problem for your staff as they will be trying to do too many things, and also for your customers, who may dwell as to what they want to order.


During the Order

When taking the order, write down the person’s name and order on their cup. However, ensure that everyone in the workplace understands exactly what the short-hand means.

The more steps your staff have to follow, the more complicated the process will be. Therefore, it is better that your customers pay whilst placing the order. Ensure that you have a machine that allows touch-payment technologies, as that will maximise efficiency in your workplace.


After the Order

Ensure that customers are able to pick up their order easily so that they will not mix with customers currently trying to order.


Staff Training

All the tips in the world won’t be able to help unless you have a good team employed. Ensure that your staff are able to operate under pressure and encourage them to get along as a team.

Talented staff will respond to each customer as they come and will stay calm even when faced with a long queue.


Contact Us 

Xpresso Mobile Café is a premium mobile coffee van franchise serving customers across Australia. We provide coffee van options from nearby franchisees with expertise, quality equipment and delicious food and beverages. If you’d like to find out about mobile coffee van hire or franchise opportunities, please contact us online.